import requests import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as b # with open('cat_list') as jf: # cat_list = json.load(jf) departments = ["3034","93427"] # keywords = input('keyword search: ') for categoryID in departments: params = { "OPERATION-NAME":"findItemsByCategory", "SECURITY-APPNAME":"scottbea-xlister-PRD-6796e0ff6-14862949", "SERVICE-VERSION":"1.13.0", "RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT":"JSON", "categoryId":categoryID , "paginationInput.entriesPerPage":"100", "outputSelector":"AspectHistogram" } response = requests.get("", params=params) # data = response.json() pretty_data = json.dumps(data, indent=2) # header_dict = dict(response.headers) # pretty_header = json.dumps(header_dict, indent=2) # results = data['findItemsByCategoryResponse'][0]['searchResult'][0]['item'] # Before moving onto to the Trading api make sure you check to see if the Finding api will # output the labels you need. Look into "outputselector" and "aspectfilter" on the # Finding api --> "finditembykeyword" or other specific calls # I think you'll have to paginate the results to output an aspecthistogram cause you might be getting too many results per call. # Additional problem you will run into when getting labeled data is shoe types and features not in features, accents, styles, categories or subcategories. # Also, if you can filter by category ids after conducting a very broad search maybe that will be a good way to return the aspect histogram. But you may have to just to a search for each ctegory and return the item specifics, create a giant pandas df and find make a list from the unique specifics/ labels